Flyboarding during De Gordel on September 5, 2010

17/06/2010 - 08:47

Would you like to get acquainted with flyboarding? Well this is possible during De Gordel in Overijse!! Never heard of this sport? Well Flyboarding is done on a mountain board (super sized skateboard so to speak) and you use a kite (kite) as a power source to make speed. This way you can ride on the beach or in the meadow with your board.

We will be present along the 6 km health walk on the site den Heurk. With great pleasure we give free initiations about safety, the wind window and of course you can also fly a kite yourself! Everyone is therefore welcome to give it a try. Bet you'll get addicted to it?

If you want more information, you can always send us an email via the contact page.